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My Top 50 favorite Tweeps of the past 4+ years

In honor of my four year Twitter anniversary this past Sunday, I am going to present you a Top 50 of my favorite Twitter accounts of the past four years.

63 St. Louis Blues mascot Louie (@LouieSTLBlues)
62 Mother Jones (@MotherJones)
61 Matt Stroehmer (@MStroehmer)
60 Shane Gray (@ShaneGmoSTLRams)
59 St. Louis Post Dispatch columnist Bernie Miklasz (@miklasz)
58 (@AddInfoOrg)
57 @smileyt22
56 Howie Klein (@downwithtyranny)
55 Karoli Kuns (@Karoli)
54 Imani Gandy (@AngryBlackLady)
53 John Bracamontes (@johnbtes)
52 Timmy Deckard (@ThePrimetime07)
51 (@MoveOn)

Top 50:
50 My brother Aaron Gibson (@StreetBikeAaron)
49 SuChin Pak (@suchinpak)
48 ATRL's Steven Saltzman (@beaconspring)
47 Aaron Camp (@AaronApolloCamp)
46 John Taylor (@VH1access)
45 my Spanish Teacher at Granite City High School Joi Svezia (@Joidan82)
44 Rich Miller at CapitolFax (@capitolfax)
43 KSDK traffic lady and TISL fill-in anchor Sara Dayley (@sjdayley)
42 KSDK meteorologist Bree Smith (@BreeSmithWx)
41 Taylor Ryan (@TaylorJewelRyan)

40 KSDK NBC (@ksdknews)
39 Former STL Cards OF Jim Edmonds (@JimEdmonds)
38 New York Times' Paul Krugman (@NYTimeskrugman)
37 Fox2 anchor/reporter Rebecca Roberts (@RRobertsTV)
36 Washington Post and MSNBC's Ezra Klein (@ezraklein)
35 Mark Bland (@markbland)
34 Adam Shriver (@AdamJShriver)
33 Ohio Senator Sherrod Brown (D) (@SenSherrodBrown)
32 KTVI Fox2 (@FOX2now)
31 Fox2 meteorologist Angela Hutti (@AngWxGrl)

30 Fox2 and KPLR anchor April Simpson (@foxonfox)
29 Florida Congressman Alan Grayson (D) (@AlanGrayson)
28 MMFA senior fellow Eric Boehlert (@EricBoehlert)
27 MSNBC's Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes)
26 TYT and Current TV's Cenk Uygur (@cenkuygur)
25 MSNBC's Lawrence O'Donnell (@Lawrence)
24 Talking Points Memo (@TPM)
23 Tim Peacock (@timsimms)
22 St. Louis Rams (NFL) (@STLouisRams)
21 PFAW's Right Wing Watch (@RightWingWatch)

20 St. Louis Blues (NHL) (@StLouisBlues)
19 St. Louis Cardinals (MLB) (@Cardinals)
18 Kane (founder of Indio Radio) (@INDIO_RADIO) and John Launius, hosts of The John and Kane Show (@JohnLaun1)
17 Think Progress (@thinkprogress)
16 Media Matters For America (@mmfa)
15 Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (D) (@SenWarren and @elizabethforma)
14 MMFA's Oliver Willis (@owillis)
13 @slackadjuster
12 Indio Radio's The John and Kane Show (@JohnandKaneShow)
11 ESPN NFL Insider Adam Schefter (@AdamSchefter)

10 Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas (@markos)
9 Fox2 reporter and host of The Jaco Report Charles Jaco (@charlesjacofox2)
8 Keith Olbermann (@KeithOlbermann)
7 ATRL's Brandon Stephens (@IAmRedSky)
6 MSNBC's Rachel Maddow (@maddow)
5 Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders (I/D) (@SenSanders)
4 ATRL's Christina Maxwell (@tinawho and @CMaxwell_)
3 Fox2 anchor Angie Mock (@angiemocktv)
2 ATRL's Tyler C. (@tylerc)
1 President Barack Obama (D) (@BarackObama) and First Lady Michelle Obama (@MichelleObama)/Vice President Joe Biden (D) (@JoeBiden)

Next: Top 50 least favorite Tweeps of the past 4+ years

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