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My thoughts on Wisconsin: Recall Walker/Kleefisch time

As we approach a critical election come June 5th in Wisconsin, I hope and pray that all Wisconsinites with a sense of decency to vote out the current Governor Scott Walker (R), Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch (R), and all the GOP State Senators subjected to recall (Scott Fitzgerald, Van Wanggaard, Terry Moulton, and Jerry Petrowski) and vote in their Democratic counterparts.  The Walker/Kleefisch/Fitzgerald agenda (Illinois-bashing, union-busting, voter suppression, homophobia, War On Women, et al...) is harming Wisconsin's working class, the middle-class, unions, the poor, and decent-minded folks of Wisconsin, so do your duties to vote them Koch Bros.-backed scumbags out on Tuesday, June 5th, 2012.

As I say it loudly and clearly, it's time to RECALL WALKER AND KLEEFISCH! And also the 4 GOP State Senators in question! Do NOT let the Koch Brothers, Karl Rove, and their cronies decide this election.

The polls open from 7AM CDT and close at 8PM CDT.

Donate to the following (via ActBlue):
Governor: Tom Barrett (D)
Defeat Scott Walker in 23 days.
Daily Kos Wisconsin recall fund
DFA Wisconsin recall fund
PCCC Recall Committee
Lt. Gov: Mahlon Mitchell (D)
Wisconsin Democratic Party
Recall Scott Walker Campaign
Wisconsin State Senate District 13: Lori Compas (D)
Wisconsin State Senate District 21: John Lehman (D)
Wisconsin State Senate District 23: Kristen Dexter (D)
Wisconsin State Senate District 29: Donna Seidel (D)

Non-recall, but critical races to donate to (via ActBlue):
WI-01: Rob Zerban (D), against Paul Ryan (R)
WI-Sen: Tammy Baldwin (D)
WI-07: Pat Kreitlow (D), against Sean Duffy (R)
WI-08: Jamie Wall (D), against Reid Ribble (R)