2X Illegally Elected President = George W. Bush
700 Phonies = The 700 Club
Aaron "Schlong" Schock = Aaron Schock
Achy Breaky Akin = Todd Akin
Allen "Birther" Keyes = Allen Keyes
Allen "Torture" West = Allen West
Alligators On A Moat Man = Herman Cain
American ChristoFascist Association = American Family Association
American Fascists Association = America Family Association
Anchor Baby Malkin = Michelle Malkin
Andrew Breitfart = Andrew Breitbart
Andrew The Tape Distortionist = Andrew Breitbart
Arpaio 2.0 = Paul Babeu
Asshole Nieves = Brian Nieves
Aussie Thief = Rupert Murdoch
Aussie Usurper = Rupert Murdoch
Babeu the Baboon = Paul Babeu
Bailout Blunt = Roy Blunt
Barbarian Bachmann = Marcus and/or Michele Bachmann
Biasmussen = Rasmussen
Bill Brady Bunch = Bill Brady
Bill Cunnilingus = Bill Cunningham
Bill Cunnilingusham = Bill Cunningham
Bill O'Pervert = Bill O'Reilly
Billo The Clown = Bill O'Reilly
Bitchelle Malkin = Michelle Malkin
Boner Boehner = John Boehner
Boss Limbaugh = Rush Limbaugh
Brainless Librarian = S.E. Cupp
Brian Kill-me = Brian Kilmeade
Bryan Pisser = Bryan Fischer
Bush 2.0 = Rick Perry
Bushie Dana = Dana Perino
Carly "Failure" Fiorina = Carly Fiorina
Chalky Beck = Glenn Beck
Christine The Witch = Christine O'Donnell
Citizens Propaganda United = Citizens United
ConservaDem = see DINOcrat
ConservaNazi = Conservative Woman
The Daiily Miscaller = The Daily Caller
Dana "Comments Off" = Dana Loesch
Dana The Coward = Dana Loesch
Dana The Devil = Dana Loesch
Dana The Diva = Dana Loesch
Diaper Vitter = David Vitter
Dick Toe-Sucker Morris = Dick Morris
Dickless Cheney = Dick Cheney
DINOcrat = Blue Dog, Conservative Democrat
Dittohead = Rush Limbaugh's (braindead) fans
Dumbya = George W. Bush
[The] Drugster = see Boss Limbaugh
Ed "Corrupt" Martin = Ed Martin
Eric Bowling Ball = Eric Bolling
Eric "Can't"or = Eric Cantor
Fake Business [Network] = see Fixed Business Network/FBN
Falafel Man = Bill O'Reilly
Fascist Censorship Commission = Federal Communications Commision
Faux Business [Network] = "
Faux News = see Fixed Noise
Faux Noise = "
FitzWalkerProsserRyan (Agenda) = The Wisconsin GOP's agenda
Fixed (Going Out Of) Business Network = Fox Business Network/FBN
Fixed Nation = Fox Nation
Fixed News = see Fixed Noise
Fixed Noise = Fox News Channel
Fixed and Thieves = Fox and Friends
Flip-Flopney = Mitt Romney
Focus On The Hate = Focus On The Family
Fraudmussen = see Biasmussen
Freepers = FreeRepublic
Frothy Mix = Rick Santorum
Gaffe Artist from Texas = Rick Perry or George Bush 43
Gina Loondon = "Dr." Gina Loudon
Godfather's Pizza Man = Herman Cain
Goebbels Beck = Glenn Beck
GOP NewsChannel = see Fixed Noise
GOPTV = See Fixed Noise
Greta Van Sellout = Greta Van Susteren
Hammity = Sean Hannity
Hanniturd = Sean Hannity, see Sean HandTitty
Hitler Arpaio = Joe Arpaio
Hot Brainless Librarian = S.E. Cupp
"I Hate Mexicans" Dobbs = Lou Dobbs
I Have A Scheme = Glenn Beck's "Restoring Honor" Rally
Icky Hartzler = Vicky Hartzler
Icky Ricky = Ricky Santorum
InSannity = Sean Hannity
Islamophobe Geller = Pamela Geller
James "Sicko" Dobson = James Dobson
Jan Fruitloops = Jan Brewer
Jan 1070 = Jan Brewer
Jason The Spoiled Brat = Jason Plummer
Jim Hoax = Jim Hoft
Jim KKK Hoft = Jim Hoft
Jim Whitey-Oft = Jim Hoft
Job Cremator = Mitt Romney
Joe The Dumber = Joe The Plumber
Joe "Child Support Evader" Walsh = Joe Walsh
John Ka-sick = John Kasich
John McInsane = John McInsane
John McLame = John McCain
John McMexico = John McCain
John McSame = John McCain
John Shitkus = John Shimkus
Karl The Dummy = Karl Rove
KKK Nation = Fixed Nation
Kimberly Newsom = Kimberly Guilfoyle
Kim Sellout = Kimberly Guilfoyle
Liaresch = Dana Loesch
Limpballs = Rush Limbaugh
Loofah Man = Bill O'Reilly
Loony Dobbs = Lou Dobbs
Man-On-Dog = Rick Santorum
Mark "Liar" Kirk = Mark Kirk
Mark Rear-Dumb = Mark Reardon
Mark Rottenvin = Mark Levin
Matt Fudge = Matt Drudge
Matt Sludge = Matt Drudge
Medicare Cutter = Paul Ryan
Megyn Racist Kelly = Megyn Kelly
Megyn NoBrains = Megyn Kelly
Minnesota's Insane One = Michele Bachmann
Missouri Nutjob(s) = Right-Wing Missourian
Missouri's #1 Villain: generally Dana Loesch
Mittens = Mitt Romney
Moonie Times = Washington Times
Mr. Flip-Flopper = John McCain
Neil Craputo = Neil Cavuto
Neil Pervuto = Neil Cavuto
Newt The Adulterer = Newt Gingrich
Newt The Tewt = Newt Gingrich
Nickolausland = Waukesha County, WI
Niyazov Beck = Glenn Beck
Nutjob Nieves = Brian Nieves
One Million Morons = One Million Moms/One Million Dads
Oxycontin Smuggler = see Boss Limbaugh
Pat Robberson = Pat Robertson
The Pillsbury Doughboy President = Herman Cain
Phyllis Stupidfly = Phyllis Schlafly
The Puppy Killing Governor = Jay Nixon
Puritan Parents Television Council = Parent's Television Council
Queen Sarah = Sarah Palin
The Quitter = Sarah Palin
(R)Money = Mitt Romney
Racist Arpaio = Joe Arpaio
Racistbaugh = Boss Limbaugh
Rand "Racist" Paul = Rand Paul
Repubmussen = Rasmussen
Republican Parent's Television Council = Parent's Television Council
Rethuglicans = Republican Party
Rick The Secessionist = Rick Perry
Right Wing Religion Cabal Networks = TBN, EWTN, Daystar, INSP, CBN, TCT, CTN, etc...
RNC Business Network = see Fixed Business Network
RNC NewsChannel = see Fixed Noise
RNC TV = see Fixed Noise
Ryancare = Paul Ryan's proposal to cut Medicare
Sarah Failin' = Sarah Palin
Sarah The Quack = Sarah Palin
Sean HandTitty = Sean Hannity
Sexistbaugh = Rush Limbaugh
Sharron "2nd Amendment Remedies" = Sharron Angle
Sludge Report = Drudge Report
So-Called Liberal Media = The debunker of "Liberal/Lamestream Media"
Speaker Boner = John Boehner
Speaker Porky = Newt Gingrich
St. Louis's #1 Villain = Dana Loesch
STL Teabagger Hate Cabal = The main figures of the STL Tea Party (Dana Loesch, Bill Hennessy, Jim Hoft, Gina Loudon, Adam Sharp, and Bob McCarty)
Steve Douchebag = Steve Doocy
Stalkin Malkin = Michelle Malkin
Stupid Sarah/Sarah The Stupid = Sarah Palin
Sung Myung Beck = Glenn Beck
T-Paw = Tim Pawlenty
The Tan Man = John Boehner
Teabagger = Tea Party Supporter.
Teabagger Rally(ies) = Tea Party Rallies
Teabagger TV = RightNetwork
Teahadist = see Teabagger
Tea Party 97.1 FM = KFTK
Tea Potty = Tea Party
Ted Nutgent = Ted Nugent
Todd Hate-Kin = Todd Akin
Tucker Bowtie = Tucker Carlson
Ultimate Satan of St. Louis = Dana Loesch
The Union-Busting Governor = Scott Walker, John Kasich, Rick Snyder, Rick Scott, Mitch Daniels, etc.
Walkerland = Waukesha County, WI
Washington Teabagger Daily = Washington Examiner
Whiner Savage = Michael Weiner Savage
Witchelle Malkin = Michelle Malkin
World Nutjob Daily = World Net Daily
Wretched Gretchen = Gretchen Carlson
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The 2010 SuChin Pak Comeback Story
As we know some good news: In the vein of Betty White's comeback earlier this year, my favorite MTV News reporter SuChin Pak comes back to the VMAs after a two-year hiatus.
I, as a Pak diehard, am glad MTV News reversed their previous mistake in terminating her back in 2007.
This piece further proves her comeback:
The VMAs Pre-show is about 3.45 hours away. Go SuChin Pak!!!!
Update: Pak went with choice 2, which I didn't care for.
I, as a Pak diehard, am glad MTV News reversed their previous mistake in terminating her back in 2007.
This piece further proves her comeback:
ROCKER CHIC: Pin ($5.95), leopard shirt ($14.95), necklace ($7.95) and ring ($5.95) all available at H&M.
The VMAs Pre-show is about 3.45 hours away. Go SuChin Pak!!!!
Update: Pak went with choice 2, which I didn't care for.
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