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Destroying Ron Martin's Lies (July 2010)

Justin Gibson
I don't miss Bush the 2x Illegally Elected President. This man ruined the country.

Debbie Hodgin Yancey
Debbie Hodgin Yancey
If Bush ruined the country you haven't seen ANYthing yet!
Obama has given us 10x the amount of debt, he has snubbed our friends, bowed to our enemies, illegally taken over private business, ignored our constitution and thats all in 18 months.
Say what you will about "W"at least he was compentent and knew how to lead, remember 911, Obama Is In Over His Head = OIIOHH!!!
Worst President EVER!!!

Justin Gibson
@Debbie: Obama has NOT ignored the Constitution, he did NOT bow to enemies, hasn't snubbed our friends. All of which are right-wing talking points you're spewing out.

Ronald Martin
Justin: You are not a very smart person. You should be smart enough if you have ever read the constituition. He has bowed to all of americas enemies. Talks down to america like it is dirt. Where have you been justine? Do you own a radio or tv? I can buy you one. But you are like all the other liberals who are against something. But have never read the bill. When you make the statements you make it makes you look foolish.

Ronald Martin
The constitution also states that congress can only pass a law that would also have to pertain to congress. In other words if we are forced into socialized care. Congress must be under the say policy. Why does congress exclude themselves from the health care they passed? Because they know they will be getting the same health care as the us citizens. Which is disgraceful. You are a laughing stock when you say that obama isn't disregarding the constitution.

Justin Gibson
@Ron: I own a television and a radio. I know that Fox News is telling lies.

Congress is NOT excluded from the new health care bill. Obama does NOT Talk Down to America, and never has.

Ronald Martin
Ronald Martin
Apparently justin has not ever read the constitution like all of the other liberals.

Justin Gibson
Justin Gibson
@Ron: I have read the Constitution. You are too busy reading the GOP Talking Points memos to even think rationally.

Ronald Martin
Ronald Martin
Justin: You only say that because your liberal media tells you that. Can'y you think on your own and make an intelligent decision ?

Ronald Martin
Justin: Apparently you haven't read the constitution. If you have we would be in total agreement. Or you don't know how to interpret it like you don't know how ti interpret the bible. Like thou not kill means you shouldn't take anyones innocent life like abortion.

Justin Gibson
Ron, I can think on my own and make an intelligent decision, unlike you having to rely on what Boss Limbaugh, Niyazov Beck, Dana Loesch, Sean Hannity, Billo The Clown, Fox Noise, Sarah Palin, Michelle Malkin, Laura Ingraham, Mark Levin, and the Conservative Hate Merchants for your opinions.

Ronald Martin
Justin: You are wrong about everything. You liberals are all the same. Anyone who doesn't want to be the governments puppet or give up there constitutional rights hate this country. Your mind is very very warped with the liberal hate media of America. My decision is not based on any of the conservatives you mention. For one thing I work 55 hours per week and don't have time to listen to liberals all day who hate America. You need to get a real life and a job.

Ronald Martin
Since you don't work for a living you can listen to liberal media garbage all day. I have a real life Justin. And most of peoples negative view of obama is because of the issues. My view is seeing how others peoples lives have been damaged deeply by obamas policys. And there are several of my friends who were once democrat that will never vote that way again. Polls reveal that 60% of those who voted for obama the first time. Won't vote for him the second time.

Justin Gibson
Ron, your brain is warped by the Conservative Media of America. And Liberals do NOT hate America. I am going to college this fall.

Ronald Martin
When justine makes such remarks as he does against the tea party. He will be judged by GOD for such remarks. Justine is a person who never thinks before he speaks. To say that quote tea party hating muslims is radical. This gives those who don't want to harm Americans who are muslims fueling hatred towards Americans. He can never win an argument because he is not a logical person.

For a person who claims to be a christian like Justin makes christians look bad. By looking at Justins writing on political issues. He is always one sided. Ones like Justine make the church look bad. Because those who aren't christians and look at Justine and think. If this is the way a christian is suppose to act and think. I don't want a part of christianity. But of course a person who thinks the way he does is abnormal. Thank God that there is very few people who think and believe like Justin.

@Ron: You are a teabagging quack, and repeating the GOP Talking Points makes your brain rot faster.

The tanning tax is to pay for the health bill. That is 10% of the earnings go to the health care plan. The best way to defeat socialism and obamacare is to not go to the tanning spas.

Ron, I do NOT go tanning, so this issue isn't a direct concern with me.

Justin Gibson
This man, Rujon Williams, is spewing out falsehoods.

Justin: You only say this because he is a conservative african american. If this person was white and a liberal or socialist. You would believe every word he says. If this person was Jesus Christ you would calll him a lier. You liberals are the ones who spew out lies and hatred.

@RON: It is the Teabaggers and Righties are the ones who make up lies, slander, and hatred.

From the St. Louis Activist Hub: Dana Loesch (who was responsible for Classic99's demise) and Jim Hoft caught being race-baiters while claiming that the "NCAAP is racist." Proof that the Right does all this nonsense.

Ronald Martin
Justin: Everything on this issue you uphold is false and based on lies. Try to find someone else to be your puppet like you are to the liberals.

Ron: I am NOT a puppet for the DNC/MSNBC/MMfA/Daily Kos/HuffPo, unlike you that relies on being a puppet for the RNC/Fixed News/Rush/Palin/GOP.

Ronald Martin
Justin: At least I am on the right and majority side.

@Ron: The "Majority" you Conservatives have is phony, and people like you and your ideas are a decent-sized and vocal minority. There are more registered Democrats to registered Republicans. These are the real facts.

"Can you tell at least one truth today justin? But you have 60% of those who voted for obama the first time. Will not vote for him this next time. Plus there are millions of independents and democrats who are switching there part to the conservatives. Do you every watch tv. If you do you will get your facts straight."

"Put your money where your mouth is justin. People will take America back. I haven't lost a bet with you yet. You are 0 for 5."

Justin Gibson
Justin Gibson
Name the 5 races that I lost, Ron. I know at least 2 offhand: Coakley's loss to Brown and the Halter's AR Democratic runoff loss to Blanche.

I will definitely win the NV-Sen race pick for Harry Reid b/c Sharron Angle is insane, and hopefully Kentucky's Senate seat. I also am going to win the Illinois senate seat and gov picks.

Justin: If you call the majority of the people in america phony. That is ok because we love our God and Constitution. Liberals and Socialist don't love America.

@Ron: Liberals and "Socialists" love America just as much as you bomb-throwing Righty vermins do.

Ronald Martin Can you count past 2? Sharon Angle is insane because she isn't a liberal or socialist and doesn't bow down to obama like you do. Angle is ahead in Nevada by 12% points.

Polls: Pollster has Angle ahead 6.7, 47.6-40.9.

The Angle being 12%+ up is likely from Rasmussen.

Glenn Beck's school, called Beck University (Beck U), is where all the uneducated Teabaggers are welcome to learn about the lies put out by Lonesome Rhodes Beck and his ilk.

Ronald Martin
Ronald Martin
You have to love God and the Constitution in order to love America. Conservatives preserve the constitution. And justin you do need some mental help. It's us conservatives who love the unborn. Not throw them away and slaughter them within the womb like liberals. Liberals and socialist could never love life and people as much as conservatives. So what you are saying is that most people on your face book are uneducated.

Ronald Martin Justin: So if you are saying that if no one believes what you believe in. Then they are uneducated. So how many people on your face book are christians and conservatives. And if they aren't like you they are stupid. This really shows how smart you are when you say obama isn't the furthest president on the left. No other liberal or socialist ever wanted a bothed baby to lay there and die.

@Ron: You are telling fibs about my views. Ron, the reason that you are lying about Obama is because you have been reading too much FreeRepublic and NewsMax. Obama is NOT a "Baby Killer" at all. He is NOT a Far Left Marxist like you tools make him out be. It's people of your ilk that and dangerous to America.

Ronald Martin So justin if we love God, Country, or the Constitution then we are bad people. I will go along with that. I would rather be a conservative then a liberal or socialist anytime. I couldn't be a liberal or socialist because I don't have the guts to go around all day and feeding people lies. I have to look at myself in the mirror and answer to God.

Ron, the reason that you are lying about Obama is because you have been reading too much FreeRepublic and NewsMax. Obama is NOT a "Baby Killer" at all. He is NOT a Far Left Marxist like you tools make him out be.

Ron, Liberals don't go around screeching lies about people, unlike those on the Uber-Right who do the same thing.

This past Sunday, he brought up the debunked "I stir up people at church" claim yet again. He said that "Glenn Beck backs up everything with facts." "He is a Christian, so by bashing him, you would be against God." Um, Beck just spews lies out of his orifice, just like the rest of the FNC clowns. Also said that "Palin has more experience than Obama." He spun the Joy-FM's signal stealing as this: "Classic99 had low ratings." Um, it may have had "low ratings," but 94+% of its listeners were core and loyal listeners. In the afternoon, he mentioned that Teabagger (former Democrat) Richard Trindle was busted for smoking, when he said "I quit smoking." Mike Hankes was mad.

This Sunday (07.18.2010): The 3+ years of the Sunday Debate Bus ends, in which Me and Ron plus his cohorts argued about the issues. I nearly always took the Liberal side, whereas Ron plus his cohorts were the Conservatives. We brought up the AZ SB1070 Law. Ron said "It's the same thing that the Feds are neglecting to enforece." Wrong. It is a Hitler-style, repulsive, racist, and toxic law. Albert Pujols agrees with me here. Ron said he is "Stupid to say that, and he is a Christian." He also said that the Tea Parties are not racist and the NAACP are phonies. If you believe that garbage, then it is time to check yourself into a rubber room, next to quacks Sharron Angle, Michele Bachmann, etc... He baselessly claimed that "Felons stole the election for Al Franken" when he won fair and sqaure. He said some tired old crap that is debunked like "Obama's a Muslim," "Obama's a Kenyan," "The 'Liberal, Socialist Media' put Obama in office" and some warped shit like that.