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MTV News Rankings Predictions for 2nd semester of 2007-2008

Samsung MTV News Rankings Predictions for the 2nd semester of 2007-2008

1. Tim Kash [15 WKS @1; 10 WKS @#2; 878 PTS]

2. Kim Stolz [13 WKS @1; 10 WKS @#2; 775 PTS]

3. Sway Calloway [2 WKS @#1; 16 WKS #1; 489 PTS]

4. John Norris [3 WKS @#1; 4 WKS @#2; 357 PTS]

5. Kurt Loder [0 WKS @#1; 0 WKS @#2; -453 PTS]

6. Liz Hernandez [0 WKS @1; 0 WKS @#2; -424 PTS]

7. SuChin Pak [DQ] [7 WKS @#1; 0 WKS @#2; -100 PTS]

SCORECARD: Tim Kash and Kim Stolz both will be battling for #1. Sway has come a long way since September, and will continue to dominate. John Norris has some punch left, so a couple of vulture #1s are possible. SuChin Pak fizzled out after 10/12/2007, and could see a pink slip.

Hernandez and Loder will have -400+ PTS by the time Memorial Day comes.

What Went Right and What Went Wrong

SCORECARD (From August 2007): SuChin Pak will dominate the polls, but Tim Kash and Kim Stolz have different plans, and Norris could play his way into the picture (however, he needs to be fired from MTV News) if the cards fall right. Liz Hernandez will never see the #1 spot in the poll, and neither Loder nor Hernandez will see the light of day this year in the polls, and 2 correspondents finished with negative points. John Norris's days of being in the Top 3 are over. Sway Calloway will be the see-saw correspondent in the polls. So, expect another Pak-dominated poll this year. This poll started in September 2004, in reaction to the impending NHL Lockout. Back then, it was a guessing game as to who was #1? In the 2005-2006 season, it was a dullfest. the 2006-2007 season, the season was shortened due to a contract dispute; however, later on in the shortened season, Pak was the victor of the year.
My Hypothesis: Pak will be the victor again, but Kash and Stolz are lurking close to the prize

What Went Right?

· Tim Kash and Kim Stolz gave SuChin Pak a run for her money.

· Pak did dominate the 1st quarter, but faded the 2nd.

· Sway was the see-saw reporter, but he was more up than down, as evidenced by

Calloway’s 10 weeks at #2, but no weeks at #1.

· Liz Hernandez and Kurt Loder competing for the worst reporter (statistically) title.

· 2 MTV News correspondents finished the 1st semester with negative points.

· Norris did play his way into contention, especially after Week 10.

· The MTV/MySpace Presidential Dialogues were a success.

· Gideon Yago returned to MTV News with a standing ovation.

· Kash and Stolz both were to be all-stars, similar to what Pak did 6+ years ago.

· Pak had the longest consecutive #1 streak.

· 1,000 PTS would be a real possibility.

What Went Wrong?

· John Norris was predicted to have his reign of #1s done, but way off there as he was #1 once and #2 twice.

· SuChin Pak falls from #1 in standings to #4.

· Kash and Stolz both were not predicted to be within 120 Points of #1, but given Pak’s

AWOL of over 2+ months, it did happen.

· John Norris was the main see-saw guy, but was on the down end more than up, despite

him being #1 once and #2 twice.

· Pak was supposed to have a 400+ point edge by the time Christmas rolled around, but

due to s**tty decisions by MTV News Management, Pak was cheated out of her lead by her

evil rival, John Norris; also, Tim Kash has a 51-point lead over Stolz.

· TRL changed its format.

· MTV News fired Gideon Yago back in January 2007.

· Pak went from a Must-start every week to the inactive roster.

2nd Semester Preview of the MTV News Rankings.

· New Rules announced (sometime in February during the MTVNRAC)

· Will Kim Stolz and Tim Kash continue to dominate?

· When will John Norris be fired?

· When will SuChin Pak get back her airtime-- that’s if she’s still on MTV News?

· Will Kurt Loder continue his reign as the worst MTV News reporter?

· Who will end up on top by Memorial Day, 2008?

· Can the MTV/MySpace Dialogues continue to be a success?

· Will MTV News hire another correspondent or two?

Predictions for the 2nd Semester

· Either Kash or Stolz wins the title.

· Tim Kash will have approx. 900 PTS.

· Kim Stolz will have approx. 750 PTS.

· John Norris will have some impact, as will Sway Calloway.

· SuChin Pak sadly will be missed as an MTV News reporter.

· MTV will only get worse.

· Kurt Loder will be gone within the next 6 months to 2 years.

· Bush and Cheney will be impeached.

· TRL will continue with their crappy format.

· Sway will end up with approx. 450 PTS.

· Loder and Hernandez will have -500+ points.

· MTV/MySpace Dialogues are a success.

· MTV News hires a new correspondent or two, like in 2007 with Kash and Stolz.

My Hypothesis: Tim Kash will have his name on the trophy, but Kim Stolz will fight until the very last week for it. Sway might get a chance for the prize, if everything goes his way and both Kash and Stolz have a very lengthy slump (That happened to SuChin Pak earlier this semester.)

NOTE: This MTV News Rankings Preview for the 2nd semester of 2007-2008 is not directly affiliated with MTV Networks, MTV News and its correspondents, Viacom, Samsung, or any sponsors.


MTV/MySpace Debate Thursday.

View from

MTV's Candidate Dialogues Are On Deck

MTV's "dialogues" with the candidates are starting up next week, beginning with John Edwards on September 27th. As we reported here just a few weeks ago, these dialogues have the potential to be the most interactive and informative debates thus far in an election cycle that's seen some decent innovation in how candidates and the public interact. Streamed live over and, the debates offer the chance for viewers to provide instantaneous feedback and ask new questions in response to answers provided by the candidates.

The kind folks at Mashable have produced this early glimpse at the MTV MySpace Widget that will allow viewers to rate the candidate's responses in real time.

MTV Widget

have somewhat unreasonably high hopes for this debate, though there are a few minor SNAFUs that are giving me pause.

First, a video on MTV's website describing how to participate was unembeddable here on the FM site (even though MTV supplied an embed code), and information on the event is no where to be found on the MySpace Impact page. I understand that participation requires placing a candidate in your top 8 friends, but beyond that I'm still a bit mystified as to how I submit a question via MySpace. I'll probably end up trying through the MTV website as this seems the least confusing option (though I'm not sure if the candidate rating system is available both at MTV and MySpace, or just on the social networking site.

These were good moderator choices: Gideon Yago, whose political coverage has particularly impressed me as hard-hitting and genuine, is one of the moderators along with SuChin Pak, my 1 all-time favorite MTV News correspondent, and Washington Post reporter Chris Cillizza. I've got a easy time seeing Yago and/or Pak really push these candidates on their answers, something that I think is a requirement for these dialogues to be really worthwhile... Chris Cilliza is a wild card in this equation, and could swing either way.

The third strike is the day and time of the event-- Thursday at noon? Whose got time to watch a live debate on MySpace in the middle of the day? Students are likely in class or roaming campus, away from their computers, and young adults will be at work. These debates should have been held at 7 or 8pm, when everyone is home and has time to sit in front of their computer. The point of making them interactive is to encourage participation, but MTV is discouraging participation by scheduling the event in the middle of the work day.

Despite this, I remain cautiously optimistic. I hope these events will be groundbreaking, though they could easily just fizzle out. We'll find out next Thursday at noon, when John Edwards takes the stage in the first of this live series.

My Version of this story:
The Voting system is different from a traditional poll vote. There are some funny and oddball choices, such as "full of bull," "Canned/Scripted," and more. The timing of the day was dumb-- it should have been at 7, 8, or even 9P EDT, not no fucking noon, as the majority of MTV's and MySpace's target audience will be at school or work.

The selection of the moderators was excellent... as Gideon Yago, whose reports at MTV were mostly politics and 100% accurate, unbiased, and honest-- Iraq reporting included, plus has a political background, so Yago was a good selection. The next reporter, also from MTV News, is my all-time 1 favorite, and the answer to that question is SuChin Pak, who has a background in political science and a lengthy pre-MTV News media resume, was on James Logan High School's Forensics Team, and graduated from UC-Berkeley. Pak, whose is the best female MTV News reporter of all-time (yes, even better than either Alison Stewart or Serena Altschul.) and may very well be MTV News's best correspondent of all-time, along with MTV News icon Kurt Loder.
Also, Pak is my 1 favorite correspondent on MTV News of all-time, and was another good choice to moderate the debate, giver her credentials as a news reporter at MTV and at several pre-MTV positions. What if MTV News didn't acquire Pak in 2001, would MTV News exist now? Think about it, but the answer to that would be that MTV News would not be a major force it is now. MTV News is due to collapse eventually, but it's not happening while Pak, Loder, or Kash are working on the 29th Floor at 1515 Broadway. I am thinking that Pak will be her usual truthful, honest, unbiased, and accurate self on Thursday. But lastly, Chris Cillizza, who I don't care about as much as the first 2 choices, could have some factor. Thank God that Idiot John Norris wasn't chosen to moderate, as he has been a known steroid taker, a lying journalist, and a thief, among other stupid shit he's pulled. Norris needs to be fired from MTV News.

My verdict on the moderator selections: SuChin Pak will be the best of the 3 moderators of the MTV/MySpace Debate w/John Edwards, but Gideon Yago will have a big impact as well. Chris Cillizza, who may or may not factor in, could have the spoiler role.

I will be paying attention to this in the coming days, and when these debates are coming up, I will have my takes on them.

The only knock is the timing of the debate, but otherwise good event to have.

Comment this blog on the MTV/MySpace Debate w/John Edwards.



Chris Cillizza, political blogger,, check out Chris' Profile

Gideon Yago, MTV Correspondent, check out Gideon's Profile

SuChin Pak, MTV Correspondent, check out SuChin's Profile


MTV News Rankings Projections

Time for the Samsung MTV News Rankings Fantasy League Preview Show. It will be a 40 week season from 08/13/2007-05/26/2008, with a 2-week Christmas/New Year's Break.
Here are my End-of-Season Projections for the MTV News rankings.

Mock Draft Order:
1. SuChin Pak [18 WKS @#1, 12 WKS @#2, 6 WKS @#3, 358 PTS]
2. Tim Kash [10 WKS @#1, 11 WKS @#2, 11 WKS @#3, 305 PTS]
3. Kim Stolz [8 WKS @#1, 7 WKS @#2, 15 WKS @#3, 258 PTS]
4. John Norris [3 WKS @#1, 6 WKS @#2, 6 WKS @#3, 125 PTS]
5. Sway Calloway [1 WKS @#1, 3 WKS @#2, 1 WK @#3, 65 PTS]
6. Kurt Loder [0 WKS @#1, 1 WKS @#2, 1 WK @#3, -89 PTS]
7. Liz Hernandez [0 WKS @#1, 0#1 WKS @#2, 0 WKS @#3, -115 PTS]

SCORECARD: SuChin Pak will dominate the polls, but Tim Kash and Kim Stolz have different plans, and Norris could play his way into the picture (however, he needs to be fired from MTV News) if the cards fall right. Liz Hernandez will never see the #1 spot in the poll, and neither Loder nor Hernandez will see the light of day this year in the polls, and 2 correspondents finished with negative points. John Norris's days of being in the Top 3 are over. Sway Calloway will be the see-saw correspondent in the polls. So, expect another Pak-dominated poll this year. This poll started in September 2004, in reaction to the impending NHL Lockout. Back then, it was a guessing game as to who was #1? In the 2005-2006 season, it was a dullfest. the 2006-2007 season, the season was shortened due to a contract dispute; however, later on in the shortened season, Pak was the victor of the year.
My Hypothesis: Pak will be the victor again, but Kash and Stolz are lurking close to the prize.

NOTE: This poll is not directly affiliated with MTV, MTV News and its Correspondents, or Samsung.


Should US President George W. Bush be Impeached?

I think that the President Bush and his asshole VP both need to be shown the fucking gate-- and fast!! Bush and Cheney have committed at least 5,000 crimes, and here's the kicker... They claim
they're above the law. Now since when in the US Constitution gives the President/VP unlimited powers? Nada. Alex Jones, over at PrisonPlanet, wants both Clusterfuck and Dickhead out of office. Keith Olbermann hates them two queers, but also Bill O'Liar (O'Reilly). Stop the New World Order by impeaching the 2 Clowns of America. I Hate Bush and Cheney!! Go Dems and/or Ron Paul in the 2008 elections. Here are some of the reasons why Bush and/or Cheney need to be impeached:
1. Staged the 2000 Florida Election Results. FRAUD!
The election was Gore's, and not Bush's. This was only because Jeb Bush was the governor of Florida and due to the sympathetic SCOTUS. 
2. Staged and covered up 9/11/2001.
Bush claimed Al-Qaeda were responsible for these "attacks". Reality: Bush was behind the plot, as was Al-Qaeda.
3. Condoning the torturing of detainees and the usage of secret prisons.
Bush and CIA are behind this scam. They arbitrarly detained and tortured the "suspects" from the Middle East. Bush claims these tactics aren't "torture", but in my opinion, yes, he was carrying these acts out.
4. Leading at least 2 fake wars and possibly at least 5 by now.
He has already declared war on Iraq and Afghanistan-- both phony propaganda-led wars by the 'Decider'. Clusterfuck is already plotting on wars on Iran, Pakistan, and God knows were next.
5. He declared war w/o Congress Approval.
6. He rigged the 2004 elections.
7. He wants to be a dictator for life.
He wants to be a dictator for life, as that was intent during his 8 Years of Pain.
8. Bush/Cheney think they are above the law and need no oversight.
Wrong. Impeach him and Cheney.
9. Bush pardoned Scooter Libby.
Libby should've been in jail, not on the streets.

!! You Pay, You Have A Say !!


Where will the MLS be expanding next?

The MLS had just awarded San Jose an expansion franchise. So what do you think about where the next MLS franchise(s) will be? We want your answers.
Here are my answers: STL and Seattle are the next cities in line for an expansion.
After that, it would be Charlotte, Orlando, Montreal, and Philadelphia, thus making it 20. Now, I think the cap should be 24 teams, as the final 4 are: Atlanta, Detroit, Portland (OR), and OK City.

The MLS could be an interesting league to watch in the next 5-30 years. Bring the MLS to St. Louis!!!!!!!

If St. Louis gets an MLS franchise, I have a feeling it will be on the Illinois side of the Mississippi River.

My possible sites for the stadium are:
Madison County:--
1. Alton: North of Homer Adams Parkway.
Pros: Close to Alton Sq. Mall, Clark Bridge.
Cons: Too far out for JeffCo, SSTL Co., Franklin, and St. Clair, Monroe, Randolph counties fans to go to.
Areas of interest: Alton, Madison County, Macoupin County, Jersey County, Greene County, Montgomery County, NSTL Co., and St. Charles County.
2. Bethalto: East of Moreland Rd.
Pros: New IL 255 Expansion completed to Fosterburg Road.
Cons: Same as 1, but farmland is issue.
AOI: Bethalto, Moro, otherwise same as 1.
3. Hamel: W of I-55/IL 157.
Pros: I-55 traffic, Easy Access to IL 157, IL 140.
Cons: Same as 1/2.
AOI: Hamel, Madison County, Montgomery County, Macoupin County, Bond County.
4. South Roxana: Off IL 111, North of Cahokia Canal and south of South Roxana corporate limits.
Pros: Close to Hartford, S. Roxana, Roxana, and Wood River, Easy access to IL 3, IL 255, and IL 143, refinery.
Cons: Pollution levels.
AOI: Roxana, S. Roxana, Hartford, E. Alton, Wood River, Madison County.
5. Granite City: On IL 3, just north of St. Thomas Rd.
Pros: IL 3 traffic, Easy access to I-270, McKinley Bridge.
Cons: Trains, pollution from plants north.
AOI: Granite City, Mitchell, Hartford, Madison County, NSTL County.
6. Pontoon Beach, South of I-270 between IL 111 and I-255/IL 255.
Pros: Pontoon Beach population growing, Easy Access to IL 111, I-270, and I-255/IL 255,
TIF District, helps Mitchell's case to be an independent city.
Cons: none.
AOI: Pontoon Beach, Mitchell, GC, Glen Carbon, Edwardsville, Collinsville, Madison County, St. Clair County, NSTL County.
7. Marine: IL 143, Between IL 4 and Duncan St.
Pros: Helps Marine, Grantfork, St. Jacob, and Highland's economies out, Increase of Marine business, Easy Access to I-70 and I-55.
Cons: Disrupts farming community.
8. Collinsville/Pontoon Beach: On Horseshoe Lake Road, east of I-255 and West of McDonough Lake Road.
Pros: Soccer fields nearby, I-255, US 40/I-55/I-70, and IL 157 convienient access ways, tons of business just to the south.
Cons: none.
AOI: Collinsville, Caseyville, Pontoon Beach, Madison County, St. Clair County.

St. Clair County:
1. East St. Louis: Off IL 3
Pros: Much-Needed money-maker for ESTL (other than Strip-Clubs), Close to US 40/I-55/I-64/I-70 and IL 3, Close to Downtown STL, Helps out surrounding towns, 98.0+% Black population, and centralized.
Cons: Leads to tie-ups on 64/55/70 in Illinois.
AOI: STL, ESTL, Brooklyn, Venice, National City, Madison, Fairmont City, St. Clair County, Madison County, Rest of Metro Area.
2. Washington Park, off Forest Blvd., between I-255 and IL 111.
Pros: No development, Near IL 111, I-255, and I-64, supports the Hispanic majority in Fairmont City.
Cons: Too many Strip Joints.
AOI: Washington Park, ESTL, Fairmont City, St. Clair County.
3. Caseyville: Off W. Lincoln Blvd.
Pros: Caseyville's economics rising, Near I-64, IL 157, and I-255.
Cons: Too Far out for St. Charles County commuters.
4. O'Fallon: Off Salem Dr., West of Venita Dr. and North of BR US 50/I-64/US 50.
Pros: O'Fallon/Fairview Heights/Shiloh's populations growing, I-64/US 50 improvements to 4 lanes each way (8 total).
Cons: Too far out for WSTL County, Franklin County, and St. Charles County commuters.
AOI: O'Fallon, Scott AFB, Shiloh, Fairview Heights, Caseyville, St. Clair County, Clinton County, Washington County.
5. East Carondelet/Dupo: Off Schmid Road between Adams Road and Kellings Farm Road.
Pros: Helps out Dupo, E. Carondelet, Cahokia, Sauget, and Columbia's economies out, near I-255, JB Bridge, IL 3, and of course, West St. Clair County.
Cons: Too Far for Alton residents.
AOI: Dupo, Cahokia, Sauget, East Carondelet, Columbia, St. Clair County, Monroe County, SSTL County, Jefferson County, and Madison County.
6. Belleville: Off IL 158, just west of Belleville City Limits.
Pros: Near Belleville, growth south for city.
Cons: Same as 4.
AOI: Belleville, Millstadt, Swansea, Freeburg, St. Clair County, Monroe County, Randolph County, Washington County.

Monroe County:
1. Columbia: South of IL 255, off of Ramsey Road.
Pros: Easy Access to IL 3 and I-255, within 20 minutes of Most of St. Clair, Monroe, NE Jefferson, and SSTL Counties, and Monroe County's growth.
Cons: Same as 4/5.

St. Charles:
1. MO 94 in Boschertown.
Pros: Easy Access from I-270, MO 370, I-70, MO 94, and MO 364, North St. Charles County growing fast.
Cons: Prone to Flooding, too far for most Illinois commuters.
AOI: St. Charles, Boschertown, St. Peters, O'Fallon, Bridgeton, Hazelwood, Florissant, St. Charles County, NSTL County, Madison County

St. Louis:
1. Missouri Bottom Road/Aubuchon Road, north of St. Louis Mills Mall
Pros: Near St. Louis Mills Mall, St. Charles, and Hazelwood, Easy Access to I-270, MO 370, US 67, Downtown Florissant, Earth City, and more.
Cons: Prone to Flooding, Too far for most Illinois commuters, More rush-hour gridlock on I-70 between MM 210 and Lambert Aiport.
AOI: Hazelwood, Bridgeton, Florissant, Black Jack, Berkeley, St. Charles, Earth City, Champ, St. Charles County, NSTL County, Madison County
2. Kirkwood: Off Lindbergh at the Corner of Manchester Road.
Pros: In Central St. Louis Co., Near I-44 and I-270.
Cons: Tons of houses will have to go.
AOI: Kirkwood, Des Peres, Sunset Hills, Webster Groves, Oakland, Crestwood, St. Louis County, Franklin County, STL Metro Area.

Franklin County:

Jefferson County:
1. Arnold: MO 141 west of I-55.
Pros: Near booming towns such as Arnold, Fenton, and Concord.
Cons: Too Far out for North STL Metro Area commuters.
AOI: Arnold, Murphy, Mehlville, Oakville, Jefferson County, SSTL County, St. Clair County, Monroe County.

The best place for a stadium will be Pontoon Beach, Illinois.

That's it for now!


The View Hosts List Top 7 (07/06/2007)

The View's Top 7 List (hosts to succeed Star and/or Rosie, plus possibly Babs and/or Elisabeth) 07/06/2007:

1. Sherri Sheppard (+3) (O'Donnell)

2. Whoopi Goldberg (=) (Jones-Reynolds)

3. SuChin Pak (-2) (Walters)

4. Gayle King (+1) (Hasselbeck [When on Maternity Leave])

5. Kathy Griffin (-2)

6. Jacque Reid (NR)

7. Ricki Lake (NR)

Dropped Out: Roseanne Barr (6), Connie Chung (7)

Close Calls:
8. Connie Chung
9. Roseanne Barr
10. Nancy Grace
11. Rene Syler
12. Kim Coles
13. Kathy Lee Gifford
14. Wanda Sykes
15. Jules Asner

Moderator: Joy Behar
Old Timers: Barbara Walters
Vietnam War Children: Whoopi Goldberg (Sub Moderator 1)
Working Mom: Sherri Sheppard/Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Career-Oriented Gen-Xer: Elisabeth Hasselbeck/SuChin Pak (Sub Moderator 2)

Next Update: 07/13/2007. Will Kathy Griffin fall out of the Top 7? Will Whoopi or Sherri take #1 next week? Will Roseanne return? Will there be a male co-host? Will there be a new #1? Will Pak take back the spot? Find Out Next week! Mario Cantone is a man, thus disallowing him from co-hosting consideration. This was the last update.


The View Hosts List Top 7 (06/29/2007)

This list started on June 1st, 2007.

The View's Top 7 List (host to succeed Rosie and Star Jones, and possibly Babs and/or Elisabeth)

1. SuChin Pak (=) (O'Donnell)

2. Whoopi Goldberg (=) (Jones-Reynolds)

3. Kathy Griffin (+1) (Walters)

4. Sherri Sheppard (+3) (Hasselbeck [When on Maternity Leave])

5. Gayle King (NR)

6. Roseanne Barr (-1)

7. Connie Chung (-4)

Dropped Out: Kathy Lee Gifford (6)

Close Calls:
8. Nancy Grace
9. Kathy Lee Gifford (6)
10. Jacque Reid
11. Wanda Sykes
12. Rene Syler
13. Kim Coles
14. Jules Asner

Moderator: Joy Behar
Old Timers: Barbara Walters/Whoopi Goldberg
War Children: Whoopi Goldberg/Kathy Griffin (Sub Moderator 2)
Working Mom: Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Career-Oriented Gen-Xer: SuChin Pak (Sub Moderator 1)

The View will not have a male co-host any time soon, so Ross the Intern is a no-go.
Next update: 07/06/2007. Will Pak hold on to #1? Will Roseanne fall off? Will Whoopi whip up a celebration? Will Sherri Sheppard continue her rise? Find out next Friday.


The View Hosts List Top 7 (06/22/2007)

The View's Top 7 List (hosts to succeed Rosie and Star Jones, and possibly Babs and/or Hasselbeck) (06/22/2007):

1. SuChin Pak (+2) (O'Donnell)

2. Whoopi Goldberg (=) (Jones-Reynolds)

3. Connie Chung (NR) (Walters)

4. Kathy Griffin (+1) (Hasselbeck [when on Maternity Leave])

5. Roseanne Barr (-4)

6. Kathy Lee Gifford (-2)

7. Sherri Sheppard (NR)

Dropped Out: Nancy Grace (6), Wanda Sykes (7)

Close Calls:
8. Wanda Sykes (7)
9. Gayle King
10. Kimora Lee Simmons
11. Nancy Grace (6)
12. Jules Asner
13. Joan Rivers
14. Jacque Reid

Moderator: Joy Behar
Old-Timers: Barbara Walters/Connie Chung (Sub Mod 2)
Vietnam War: Whoopi Goldberg
Working Mom: Elisabeth Hasselbeck (Kathy Griffin when Hasselbeck is on Maternity Leave)
Career-Oriented Gen-X: SuChin Pak (Sub Mod 1)


The View Hosts List Top 7 (06/15/2007)

The View's Top 7 List (hosts to suceed Rosie and Star Jones, and possibly Babs) (06/15/2007);

1. Roseanne Barr (=) (O'Donnell)

2. Whoopi Goldberg (NR) (Jones-Reynolds)

3. SuChin Pak (-1) (Walters)

4. Kathy Lee Gifford (=)

5. Kathy Griffin (+2)

6. Nancy Grace (-3)

7. Wanda Sykes (NR)

Dropped Out: Rudi Bakhtiar (5), Connie Chung (6)

Close Calls:
8. Connie Chung (6)
9. Kimora Lee Simmons
10. Sherri Sheppard
11. Joan Rivers
12. Gayle King

Moderator: Joy Behar
40's/50's/60s Born: Whoopi Goldberg
Vietnam War/70's born: Roseanne Barr (substitute Moderator 2)
Conservative/Family Values: Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Gen-X Career: SuChin Pak (substitute Moderator 1)

Substitute Co-Hosts: Barbara "Babs" Walters, Kathy Griffin, Sherri Sheppard.


The View Hosts List Top 7 (06/08/2007)

The View's Top 7 List (Hosts to succeed Rosie, Babs, and Star-Jones) (06.08.2007);

1. Roseanne Barr (=) (O'Donnell)

2. SuChin Pak (+4) (Jones-Reynolds)

3. Nancy Grace (-1) (Walters)

4. Kathy Lee Gifford (-1)

5. Rudi Bakhtiar (NR)

6. Connie Chung (-2)

7. Kathy Griffin (NR)

Dropped Out: Joan Rivers (5), Lisa Ling (7)

Close Calls:
8. Lisa Ling (7)
9. Ananda Lewis
10. Whoopi Goldberg
11. Joan Rivers (5)
12. Kimora Lee Simmons

Moderator: Joy Behar
Vietnam War: Roseanne Barr (Substitue Moderator 2)
70's born audience: Nancy Grace
Family Raiser: Elisabeth Hasselbeck
Gen-X Career: SuChin Pak (Substitute Moderator 1)

Substitute Hosts: Barbara Walters, Kathy Griffin.


Did Oprah intentionally cut off SuChin Pak?

I saw Oprah on 05/28/2007, and I saw Kiri Davis, then Chandra Wilson, Najee, and finally, SuChin Pak. While Pak was being interviewed, Oprah discussed what was wrong with her. As Pak got to the crux of the matter, Oprah The Villain, then decided to cut off SuChin Pak-- while I wasn't outraged initally about it, Oprah did Intentionally cut off Pak when she told the truth. Instead of her telling the truth... out of nowhere, Oprah silenced her. Bulls**t! My verdict: Oprah did this for the sake of money and ratings. Popularity Score reads: SuChin Pak: 100, Oprah Winfrey: 0. I've lost faith in Oprah after this incident, given her multiple succesful attempts at cutting off guests. Fire Oprah for the good of America! She is nothing but a Nazi, a Racist, a Whoremonger, a Money Machine, a ratings-hog and a Communist Asshole! All people of America, Boycott The Oprah Winfrey Show at all costs. Oprah's actions toward Pak should be probable grounds for her firing. America, South Korea, Japan, and Canada, Oprah's actions toward Pak is eqivilant to racism against the Asian-American community, especially the Korean-American populace. Oprah has gotten worse since Dr. Phil left. At least Dr. Phil wouldn't cut Pak off like Oprah did. Oprah the Villain has sabotaged Pak out of a truthful statement. Punish Oprah, not SuChin Pak. Oprah needs to be fired now. I am one of the people that believe Oprah did interrupt Pak on purpose! Also, a minor typo, Pak's surname was spelt "Park" instead of Pak. Sue Oprah!

Should MTV News Correspondent John Norris be Fired?

I already have a similar blog about this issue on MySpace. So, let's get to the bottom of this point.
MTV News Correspondents Kurt Loder and John Norris and a few execs that were there in MTV USA's Glory days are the only ones left from the pre-Real World era. But, in the last 3 to 5 years, Norris's quality of reporting has slipped by the wayside-- and fast. I grew up watching MTV when TRL first aired, they still had decent rock videos, and music in general. But when Laguna Beach debuted, MTV went from balanced music to all-rap crap. The MTV News correspondents I saw a lot when I first started watching MTV were Loder, Serena Altschul, Norris, and Chris Connelly. But in 2001, with MTV News in a flux, they acquired who is turning bright today and an imminent all-star in SuChin Pak, who is now the go-to MTV News correspondent. Loder's role after Pak was added pretty much ended his grip of the #1 or even the #2 or #3 slots at MTV News. Norris is the #2 correspondent now, but fell big-time after the TRL reporting slot was almost always filled by Pak.
So there's no telling who is the #2 at MTV News. But their newest additions Hernandez (no more than a #3 at best) and Tim Kash (eventually going to be Pak's main rival at MTV News).
But back to the possible firing of Norris. Norris should be fired, because he is a emo wannabe trying to fit in and his reporting is always blatant lies. MTV News is a legit news organization, however, Norris is a lying hypocrite. Thus, Norris must be fired. He has lied and fabricated the News ever since his 2nd go-around at MTV News, especially after Pak was added. His first few years were okay. Now, I think Norris is a villain at MTV News, as Carson Daly, a former MTV VJ, said on his show, Last Call with Carson Daly had featured in one of his segment. It is time for John "Faggot" Norris to leave MTV News! But hold on a second... the old-time MTV fans would not like to see Norris off MTV, as they think he and Loder are the last of the 1980s MTV figures. But I still support Kurt Loder, even if he has little to no reporting left. On the other long-time MTV News Villain, John Norris, he needs to be fired before it gets out of hand. That, my friends, his (Norris) lies have caused me to turn against him in favor of SuChin Pak, and more recently, Tim Kash.
Kash's presence should mean that Norris and/or Loder could leave MTV News-- at the expense of the old-timers MTV fanbase. The best corresponent MTV News has ever had was not John Norris, but Kurt Loder, or since December 2001, SuChin Pak.

Paris Hilton in Jail

I know that Paris Hilton is now in jail, as that is where she belongs. Hilton is not above the law. Celebrities are not above the law, and not even Bush/Cheney is above the law. The judge did a good job-- at Paris's expense-- as he handed a verdict stating a 45-day prison sentence. MTV News leaked it, but not before TMZ. Lindsay Lohan is next if her drunken activities don't stop.


Debut to Blogger

I am Justin Gibson, and I have a Blogspot account. This is where I have my blogs at.